Starting Over...
2014 has been a very difficult year for me, especially on a personal level. Stress and anxiety, followed by depression, then the loss of my mother, more depression and teenage daughter issues to boot, it's fair to say it's been tough. Hopefully, the worst is over but it meant my old site got rather neglected. After thinking for a while about what to do with it, I've decided to leave the old one in place for the foreseeable future and make a fresh start here on Silvrback.
I intend to post more often but they'll likely be shorter as I see this as more of an extension of my twitter account, though from time to time I've no doubt one or two more technical posts will creep in. I may also begin to migrate one or two of the more widely read posts over from for when the time comes to let it go for good.
Sometimes though, a change is as good as a rest and I certainly feel like I need a change in many ways. This is the first.
polyglot programmer - passionate, opinionated, cynic, realist